Solution Dance Program is a training program & theater experience for dancers who like to perform.
You must be selected to participate at the Solution Dance Program.
A total of 6,5 hours of rehearsals per choreographer. This is spread over 4 or 5 training sessions. Check the rehearsal schedule before you register.
Sign up by filling in the contact form below. Send a video in which you dance a choreography and can be clearly seen. Your video will be reviewed by us. This will determine whether you can participate in Solution Dance Program or not.
The latest registration date is May 23, 2023 12:00. After this date it is no longer possible to register for Solution Dance Program.
All Program participants will receive the videos of the showcases + SDC T-shirt afterwards.
solution dance PROGRAM
Monday 5, 12, 19 June 19:00-20:30
Saturday 17 june 16:00-18:00
generale + show zaantheater: Saturday 24 June 15:00-22:00
justin brandsma
Monday 5, 12, 19 June 20:30-22:00
Saturday 17 June 18:00 - 20:00
generale + show zaantheater: Saturday 24 June 15:00-22:00
Angelo Pardo
Friday 9, 16, 23 June 19:00-20:30
Sunday 18 June 16:00 -18:00
generale + show zaantheater: Saturday 24 june 15:00-22:00
Robin benjamin
Friday 9, 16, 23 June 20:30-22:00
sunday 18 June 18:00-20:00
generale + show zaantheater: Saturday 24 june 15:00-22:00
Luis Alejandro
Tuesday 23 & 30 May
6, 13, 20 June 17:45 -19:00
generale + show zaantheater: Saturday 24 june 15:00-22:00
1 choreographer: €90
2 choreographers: €120
3 or more choreographers: €150
Participation fee for members with a subscription: €25


Justin Brandsma

Angelo Pardo

Robin benjamin

Luis Alejandro

Joan Alosery

Lucien Bouman
Creative Directors